Real constants are also known as floating point constants. Real constants can be expressed in two forms Fraction and Exponential form.
Rules for constructing real constants in Fractional form:
It Must have at least one digit.
It must have a decimal point.
It could be either positive or negative.
If no sign is added, then default sign is positive.
No commas or blanks are allowed in real constants
For example: +56.5554, - 56.455, - 7, 5655.5557
**Meaning of MANTISSA and EXPONENT **
Before moving on to Exponential form one should understand the meaning of MANTISA and EXPONENT. Exponent form is generally used when value of constant is either to small like - 0.00000058 or very large such as +5684455544555. Now let us understand this with the help of an example : 1. Take a very small or large number (In my case it is. 0.00000058 ) 2. We can convert it into 5.8 * 10 ^-7. 3. If we convert it into Exponential form then it can be written as 5.8e-7. 4. In Exponential form real constant is represented into two parts, part before ‘e’ is called MANTISSA and part after ‘e’ is called EXPONENT.
Rules for constructing a real constant expressed in Exponential form :
The MANTISSA part am doing the EXPONENT part is separated by a letter ‘e’ or ‘E’.
The MANTISSA part may be positive or negative
Default sign of MANTISSA is positive.
Range of real constants expressed in Exponential form is - 3.4e38 to +3.4e38.
For example : +3.2e25, - 7E56