Getting started with Python

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A short tutorial on setting up a PC/Mac/Linux machine to program in python.

0. Prerequisites

0.0 Python 2.7

Windows :

Go to

and click on the link that looks like

Python 2.7 Windows Installer (Windows binary – does not include source)

When the download completes install python by following the instructions on the screen.

Now open a terminal and type

set path=%path%;C:\python27

If you are using Mac

or Linux then you need not download anything as python comes preinstalled.

0.1 A Code Editor (optional)

A python program, or any program for that matter is just a text file that can be edited directly using any text editor. However, it is strongly recommended that you use a proper code editor since python uses whitespace (tabs and spaces, that is) to determine which block does a statement belong to.

Recommended Editors :

Notepad++ (Windows)

JEdit (Any OS)

Pico (Linux/Unix)

Vim (Linux/Unix)/gVim(Windows) – For advanced users

Emacs (Any OS)

Do not use Notepad or Wordpad to write code.

1. A Tutorial Introduction

Now that you have python, go ahead and open up a terminal, type “python” (without quotes) and hit enter.

You should have a window that looks like this

The Python Interpreter

This is the Python Interpreter. The text on the top tells the version of python that you are using , the ‘»>’ is the prompt – it means python is ready and is waiting for you command !


print 'Hello, World!'

You’ll see Hello, World on the next line of the terminal.

Congratulations ! You just wrote your first program in python !

The command print takes a string(that is anything enclosed between quotes) and displays it on the terminal.

The python Interpreter can do a variety of things – mathematical calulations, string manipulations, list creation and a lot more.

2. What next ?

You might want to check out the following links

and work on the basics of python.

We’ll start with real-life applications in the next post.

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